





 フーリエ(Francois Marie Charles Fourier,1772-1837)の構想した理想都市「ファランステール」について、彼の衣鉢を継いだフーリエ主義者たちが描いた想像図や模型を見ると、それはあまりにも人工的に整いすぎていて、フーリエの言う「奇癖」「逸脱」といった無秩序、不規則で雑多な要素が受け入れられる社会なのかどうか、疑ってしまう。たしかに、「ファランステール」の建築構造は、中央集権的ではないかもしれないが、いわば全構成員の相互監視による統制の行き届いた空間なのではないか? いったいどこに、あらゆる制約から「逸脱」しようとする“人間の自由”が生息しうるのか?‥とさえ思われる。




 シモーヌ・ドゥブー Simone Debout,今村仁司・監訳『フーリエのユートピア』,1993,平凡社.

 「第1章 約束の地、あるいはシャルル・フーリエによる分析と群論」(pp.37-113)から抄録する。



今村仁司「訳者あとがき」, in:『フーリエのユートピア』,pp.359-360.


 シモーヌ・ドゥブーが、隠されてきた草稿『愛の新世界』に解説を付して『フーリエ全集』第7巻として刊行したのは 1967年、一部が削除されたまま読まれてきた『産業的共同社会的新世界』の完全版が世に出たのは 1973年のことだった。


今村仁司「訳者あとがき」, in:『フーリエのユートピア』,pp.361-362.




 こうして、異なるものの「過渡」的存在、「例外」→「奇癖」「奇行」→「性的倒錯」→… というように、論述の焦点はしぼられてきた。このすぐあとに、“核心”というべき《同性愛》および「中間存在者」(フーリエはトランスジェンダーをこう呼ぶ)が登場する。









(オムニジヌ)」は意味不明。omnigine? 文脈から推測すると、婚姻または性について一定の思想をもつ男のことらしい。ともかく、ここでフーリエは、同性愛者が「調和社会」で期待される「きずな」としての役割を説明している。同性愛者の存在が、男性側にも女性側にも、「同性愛嗜好者」を生み出し、彼らは、“他者を尊重する”という思想を、言語的にではなく体験的に、理知的にではなく情念において学ぶのだ。なぜなら、同性愛者たちの行為を肯定し、それを嗜好する――愛する――ということは、異性愛者である彼らにとって、自分の主たる欲望の充足ではありえないからだ。

(ペデラステイト)」とは、「ビーエル」に近いものだろうか? 「ビーエル」嗜好こそ、「他者」理解の核心であり、未来人類の「調和社会」をもたらすに不可欠の「きずな」を創出する鍵になる、とフーリエは言うのだ。ただし、異性愛者の「同性愛者嗜好」――男のレズビアン嗜好と、女のゲイ嗜好――は、同性愛者の存在なしにはありえない。だから、同性愛者こそは、「調和社会」の基礎となる、ということになる。

 これに対しては、「おれたちの役割は、存在するだけか? おれたちの主体的活動は期待されないのか?」という不満の声が、血気盛んなゲイ諸君のあいだから上がるかもしれない。しかし、フーリエ自身はゲイではないのだから、そこまでの“配慮”を要求するのは、甘ったれの無いものねだりというものだろう。同性愛者が、未来社会のために「何をなすべきか?[シト・ジェーラチ]」は、同性愛者自身が考えるべきことだ。





 しかし、「全婚者」という訳は適当でない。monogyne が、フーリエの分類による「12のパッション」のうち1つのパッション、たとえば触感の快楽だけで満足するのに対し、omnigyne は、「全12パッションの(同時的)多形的プレイ polymorphous play on the whole twelve passions」を行なう者たち。「全感覚愛者」とでも言うべきか。単なる乱交ではない。挿入による射精の快感のみを求めて乱交する者は「単感覚愛者 monogyne」である。フーリエの「調和社会」では、そういう者も、同意ある限り誰とでも性交することができ、十全に満足を得ることができる。しかし、「全感覚愛者」は、群婚かつ乱交のみならず、それを全感覚的に嗜む者である。

@ McKenzie Wark, 26 February 2015 (https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/1896-charles-fourier-s-queer-theory)

Charles Fourier's Queer Theory (extract from McKenzie Wark:"The Spectacle of Disintegration" 2013, Verso Books)

What is distinctive about Fourier is that he imagines the social as entirely composed out of the passions. He refused the erotic Jacobinism of universal monogamy (still to be found in Badiou, for instance). [[His passionate social order is not one of a universal but singular love, but rather one of the diversity and difference of the passions.]]

At heart Fourier wants to be an erotic umpire[審判員] of passionate games, not a political economist. His most beautiful writings, on the New Amorous World, are a unique kind of philosophy of the orgy, or systems theory porn[= -ography]. As a pornographer Fourier is interested in the tableaux, the staging, the ritual, rather than the actual fucking.

The world of Harmony satisfies a sexual minimum for all. Every [[monogyne]] – those governed by only one passion – can get his or her rocks off[射精・性交・歓喜する]. Fourier is no egalitarian[人類平等主義者]. He is barely interested in describing such paltry[取るに足らぬ] pleasures. It’s the baroque world of the [[omnigynes]] that attract him, with their polymorphous play on the whole [[twelve passions]]. Fourier considered himself an [[omnigyne]], and hence his porn[= -ography] had to arouse all [[twelve of the passions]], not just the passion for“touch-rut[轍,紋切り,定型を践む].”

Philosophy is too concerned with ambitious or major politics, and not enough with amorous or minor politics. If Marx plumbs the limits of political philosophy in political economy, Fourier finds it in an amorous economy, but one where amour is neither private nor at odds with the world.

Why is love the passion the philosophers want to admit the fewest possible bonds, when one is supposed to love one’s brother, be a citizen of the world, and so on? Sexual politics means something quite specific in Fourier’s world. There’s hardly any point in politics in its civilized senses. In a decentralized world of plenty, there’s nothing to fight over, no point to empire. Capital, labor and talent cooperate rather than struggle against each other. Politics is the domain of the cabalist passion, of intrigues and factions, rivalry and collaboration, but the stakes are largely symbolic. Some are richer than others in Harmony, but here social stratification is not a mere mask for class. The real contest is for prestige and renown. Sexual politics is a game of sensual largess. Its currency is attraction, but the point of the game is not to hoard and covet, but to dispense and distribute the favors of the favored.

The quadrille is a dance that requires a refined coordination of the dancers. Fourier imagines an erotic quadrille of sixteen persons. For this quadrille “orgies are prepared by the minister and female pontiff who arrange delightful reunions and cumulative sympathies that heighten each other.” Pleasures accumulate and ramify in memory, ours and others. It is an economy of reputation, where liaisons are structured to produce harmonious results. The quadrille heightens all the particular passions through their combination, added to which is the pleasure of unityism, which heightens all the other passions as well.

Rather than random encounters, the new amorous world is one of “harmonic polygamy” Fourier: “The result is very brilliant orgies that furnish charming illusions and precious and durable souvenirs.” Participation is not a sacrifice, but a heightening of pleasure. As in the quadrille as a dance, each adjusts to each other, pleasures the other, only some will distinguish themselves more than others. “All men and women who have worn a cross in the court of love advance in steps proportionate to the number of foci they have formed.” Its perfection would be the [[omnigyne quadrille]], composed of thirty-two persons whose distribution of passions is the same as the thirty-two planets.

Fourier is a little coy about revealing how the quadrille really works to readers shackled by civilized morality. Its clear that what he calls pederasty and lesbianism are included as expressions of the passions. But perhaps what’s more interesting is that he understands difference in desires not so much along the straight/curious/gay continuum, as within a more complicated space of possibilities. Its more about which, and how many, of the passions are dominant.

For instance, a pentagyne straight woman, who has five dominant passions, might require encounters with five monogyne men, each of which corresponds in his dominant passion to one of hers. Of course monogynes rank low in the scale of erotic reputation in the quadrilles. The [[omnigynes]], fully alive to all twelve of the passions, are most likely the ones in demand, acquiring reputation, and eventually playing the roles of conductors of the dance. Fourier upends the moral judgments of civilization. In the erotic quadrille, the ‘sluts’ rule.

Civilization treats sexual space as a hierarchy of values, with straight monogamy at the top and random fucks at the bottom. The realm of sanctioned sexual practice is a hot topic, but it is really just about where to draw the line. Serial monogamy might be okay for some, a period of random dating among the young before they settle down, perhaps. Maybe its okay for people to have sex outside marriage once the kids are out of the house. Maybe one incident of cheating can be forgiven, but not if it’s a habit. Maybe gay people can be allowed in the hierarchy of sanctioned sex if they form monogamous relationships like everyone else.

And so on. In civilization, the realm of the acceptable distinguishes itself from two things. At one end is the prude, who denies and represses sexuality. At the other end is the slut. If virginity is not as prized by the civilized as it once was, fucking around is still not acceptable, particularly for women. Its random, infectious, a threat to civilized order.

Fourier dispenses with this whole stigmatizing of the space of sexual possibilities. There are no straight-gay, prude-slut, or order-random axes to his sexual universe. There is only the twelve passions, and variability as to which and how many of the passions are active. Harmony is the game of combining the passions. Its true that his world is hierarchical, and it is tempting to say that the sluts are on top, but that isn’t quite it. [[Omnigynes]] are favored in Harmonian sexual politics, but all sexuality is played out in the form of elaborate games. What’s valued is the richness of passionate attraction, and the philanthropy with which talent is dispensed.



A (https://books.google.co.jp/books?newbks=1&newbks_redir=1&hl=ja&output=html_text&id=8INcAAAAMAAJ&dq=omnigyne&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=omnigyne)

Claude Francis, Fernande Gontier: "Creating Colette: From baroness to woman of letters, 1912-1954", Steerforth Press, 1998

In harmony Colette would have been classified as an omnigyne , like Fourier, who wrote : “ I discover that I loved lesbians ... every male omnigyne is necessarily a Sapphinist or a protector of lesbians , just as every female omnigyne is


B Wikipedia --- Charles Fourier (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Fourier)

Work and liberated passions

For Herbert Marcuse "The idea of libidinal work relations in a developed industrial society finds little support in the tradition of thought, and where such support is forthcoming it seems of a dangerous nature. The transformation of labor into pleasure is the central idea in Fourier's giant socialist utopia."

He believed that there were [[twelve common passions]] which resulted in 810 types of character, so the ideal phalanx would have exactly 1620 people. One day there would be six million of these, loosely ruled by a world "omniarch", or (later) a World Congress of Phalanxes. He had a concern for the sexually rejected; jilted suitors would be led away by a corps of fairies who would soon cure them of their lovesickness, and visitors could consult the card-index of personality types for suitable partners for casual sex. He also defended homosexuality as a personal preference for some people. Anarchist Hakim Bey describes Fourier's ideas as follows:

"In Fourier's system of Harmony all creative activity including industry, craft, agriculture, etc. will arise from liberated passion—this is the famous theory of "attractive labor." Fourier sexualizes work itself—the life of the Phalanstery is a continual orgy of intense feeling, intellection, & activity, a society of lovers & wild enthusiasts."


C New World Encyclopedia --- Charles Fourier (https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Charles_Fourier)

François Marie Charles Fourier (April 7, 1772 – October 10, 1837) was a French utopian socialist and philosopher who advocated a reconstruction of society based on idea that the natural passions of man would, if properly channeled, result in social harmony. He believed that he had discovered the laws of social interaction, comparable to Newton’s laws of physical interaction. Fourier identified [[twelve fundamental human passions]]: five of the senses (touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell); four of the soul (friendship, love, ambition and parenthood); and three that he called “distributive,” which ensured the balance of all the others.

Fourier envisioned a society organized in units called “phalanxes” composed of male and female representatives of 810 personality types, in which natural interaction would automatically result in peace and harmony. In these communities the status of manual labor would be elevated by making work enjoyable and satisfying. Fourier also advocated the emancipation of women and coined the word féminisme in 1837.


Fourier believed that there were [[twelve common passions]] which resulted in 810 types of character; the ideal phalanx would have exactly 1,620 people who would exhibit all the possible kinds of characters. In the future there would be six million of these, loosely ruled by a world "omniarch," or (later) a “World Congress of Phalanxes.”


Fourier identified [[twelve fundamental passions]]: five of the senses (touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell); four of the soul (friendship, love, ambition and parenthood); and three that he called “distributive.” The first distributive passion was la Papillone (“butterfly”), the love of variety. A worker quickly tired of one kind of task, and naturally desired variety in his work. Fourier criticized Adam Smith’s vision of a society of specialists, doing the same thing over and over, as a system that stunted and repressed human nature. He believed that society should strive to eliminate all tedious or unpleasant jobs, learning, if possible, to do without the products derived from such labor. The second distributive passion, la Cabaliste (“intriguing”), had to do with rivalry and conspiracy, which would be put to good use as productive teams competed with each other to produce the best products. The harmful aspects of competitive commerce in civilization would not arise because production would be done with the overall good of society, rather than individual profit, in mind. The third passion, la Composite (“enthusiastic”), which Fourier considered the most beautiful of all, had to do with community and the satisfaction of social needs.








「すでに 17世紀、情念の分析において、スピノザはデカルトとは反対に他者からの反作用を考慮に入れていたが、こうした相互作用はフーリエにとって決定的で本質的な意味をもつ。これまで誰も感情のもつ秩序を発見できなかったのは、情念が相互個人的な現象であることに気がつかなかったからである。情念はお互いを呼び求め、あるいは補い合う。そして情念の相剋は躍動を一新するのである。











【ユーラシア】ドゥブー『フーリエのユートピア』(3) ―――につづく。   

ばいみ〜 ミ

カテゴリ: ユーラシア



